
Warning: Use of undefined constant h2 - assumed 'h2' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/data/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/wp-content/themes/theme/template-parts/content-news.php on line 22

Cienījamie vecāki! 21.maijā plkst. 9.30 grupu “Mēnestiņš”, “Jumītis” un “Laimīte” bērniem tiks piedāvāta Ventspils stikla pūtēju izglītojošā nodarbība “Kā rodas stikla brīnumi”. Nodarbības mērķis-iepazīstināt bērnus ar stikla pūtēju profesiju.

Warning: Use of undefined constant h2 - assumed 'h2' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/data/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/wp-content/themes/theme/template-parts/content-news.php on line 22

Warning: Use of undefined constant h2 - assumed 'h2' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/data/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/wp-content/themes/theme/template-parts/content-news.php on line 22

Warning: Use of undefined constant h2 - assumed 'h2' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/data/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/wp-content/themes/theme/template-parts/content-news.php on line 22

Warning: Use of undefined constant h2 - assumed 'h2' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/data/www/daugavpils12pii.lv/wp-content/themes/theme/template-parts/content-news.php on line 22